WNBA players will not turn down lucrative contracts to play overseas despite the Brittney Griener situation.
Several players told the NY Times that they will play overseas to supplement their income at the conclusion of the WNBA season but none of them know if anyonene will play in Russia this year.
“Playing overseas remains extremely popular for W.N.B.A. players seeking to earn more money or gain more pro experience, but several agents and players told The New York Times that, because of Griner’s ordeal and the war, they did not know of anyone who would be playing in Russia this off-season. The W.N.B.A. said it did not have a complete list of players going abroad because its playoffs are underway.”
A lot of the players who played for Russia last season will be playing in Turkey this year.
Jones signed with Cukurova in Mersin, Turkey, for the upcoming off-season, as did the W.N.B.A. players Chelsea Gray and Briann January. Breanna Stewart and Emma Meesseman, who played for Yekaterinburg, have signed with Fenerbahce in Istanbul.