Home » Woman Gets Revenge On Her Ex By Signing Into His Fantasy Account And Completely Messing With His Team

Woman Gets Revenge On Her Ex By Signing Into His Fantasy Account And Completely Messing With His Team

Some dude broke up with his girlfriend, and now his fantasy football team is in shambles.

Twitter user Sydney Fields revealed that her friend had been “treated poorly” by her ex-boyfriend and decided to exact recent by screwing with his fantasy football team.

The scorned ex decided to drop the guy’s best players AND replaced them with players that either retired, on the practice squad, or inactive.

The guy found out about his ex messing with his fantasy team but hasn’t been able to change his password and will have Case Keenup starting for him on Sunday.

This might actually be the most the funniest scorned ex-girlfriend revenge prank of all-time. Poor guy is going to lose all his games this season. Sucks for him.